Ramadan month is just around the corner and this year again, Sunway Putra Hotel has created an array of buffet menu focusing on authentic and delicious Malay cuisine. With its thematic Ramadan Buffet of Dari Dapur Ummi (translated as From Mum’s Kitchen), this promotion will run from 6th May to 4th June 2019 at Coffee House, Level 9 of Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Diners can start to patronize the outlet from 6.00 p.m. onwards.
As for me, for every buffet line I will always start with desserts. This year Sunway Putra Hotel has a line of mixture of local desserts and cakes; Ubi Kayu Rebus, Lompat Tikam, Badak Berendam, Ice-kacang, Cendol, French Chocolate Tart, Chocolate Mango Mousse, Yam Dark Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Green Tea Cake, Bubur Kacang Merah, Hawaiian Coconut Cake, Coconut Lemon Velvet and Bubur Kacang Hijau.
Make sure to try out their extensive selections of Kerabu such as Kerabu Isi Kelapa Daun Selasih, Kerabu Inti Kelapa Pedas Kacang Botol and Pucuk Paku, Kerabu Kerisik Taugeh and Kacang Panjang, Kerabu Assam Limau Betik Muda & Kedondong and Kerabu Ayam Pedas. From the appetizer counter too, varieties of ‘Ulam’, Rojak, Pasembor, Gado-gado and Mixed Salad are also available to tease your taste buds.
There are also a ‘must-have’ delightful action stalls with its thematic stalls of Gulung-gulung (Varieties of sushi), Rebus- rebus (Gear Box Soup), Bakar-bakar (Oriental Barbecued Lamb and Chicken & Beef Satay), Celup-celup (Battered Squids and Prawns), Fish Head Kawah (Seabass, Butter fish and Red Snapper Fish (served with Assam Pedas Gravy) and Kukus-kukus Stall (Chef’s specialties of ten different choices of Traditional Talam Kueh).
With five rotation menu, diners can expect combination of four of the Malay ‘lauk’pauk’ such as Ayam Percik Seri Menanti, Daging Dendeng Cili, Kambing Dalca Mangga Muda, Ikan Kembong Asam Rebus, Ayam Madu Berempah, Daging Rendang Negeri Sembilan, Udang Masak Lemak dengan Belimbing Buluh & Bunga Knatan, Ikan Tenggiri Acar Campur Berempah, Ayam Masak Kicap Berempah, Udang Kalio dengan Pucuk Paku, Ikan Keli Salai Masak Lemak Bunga Kantan, Sotong Masak Sambal Cili Merah, Ayam Masak kari Hiju Utara, Daging Lemak Cili Padi, Paru Goreng Berlada Merah and Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak.
For diners who want something different, savour some of the Chinese and Indian cuisines offering all with Stir Fried Buttered Prawns, Sautéed Squids with Black Pepper and Garlic, Lamb Dalca, Butter Chicken Curry, Chinese Mixed Vegetables, Fish Tikka and many more.
For diners who want something different, savour some of the Chinese and Indian cuisines offering all with Stir Fried Buttered Prawns, Sautéed Squids with Black Pepper and Garlic, Lamb Dalca, Butter Chicken Curry, Chinese Mixed Vegetables, Fish Tikka and many more.

The buffet is priced at MYR138 nett per adult and 50% is for children aged 7 to 12 years old. Below 7 years old is free of charge. Senior citizen entitles for 50% discount of MYR138 nett. For reservation, contact us at 03-4040 9888 and speak to any of Coffee House team or you may direct your reservation via email at spkl.dine@sunwayhotels.com
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