Happy 53rd Birthday, Mama

Diam tak diam, 16 Mac menjengah kembali...harini merupakan ulangtahun kelahiran mama Sally...hihihi..jangan tanya kenapa Sally ada dua mak yer..hihihi...

2016 merupakan ulangtahun mama yang ke 53 tahun...hmmm...makin lama mama dan ibu makin tua, makin nampak perubahan pada muka masing-masing...semoga Allah berikan kesihatan yang berpanjangan buat mereka berdua..insyaAllah...

Dear Puan Surina Low, you're more than just a mother to me; you're my teacher, my strength, my guidance and my best friend. Thank you for giving me every part of yourself. I won't asked for anything, I just want you will always be there, till the end of my life...May all the greatest thing in life be with you, always and forever..Allah bless! Love you mama!

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  1. TAKDE ADE BNYK MAK LAGI BAGUS..hehehehe..happy birthday mama!

  2. Happy Birthday to mama Sally.

  3. happy birthday makcik cantek ~!!

  4. Happy birthday mamaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. Alhamdulillah moga mama Sally Puan Surina Low sentiasa diberkati Allah..amin..

  6. sannah helwah buat mama Sally, cantik mamanya :)

  7. hepi besday utk mama sally ye :)

  8. Happy Belated Birthday buat mama Sally :)


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