Happy 25th Birthday Lee Jung Shin!

15th September 2015
It's our happy virus 25th birthday!

생일 축하해요.
(Happy Birthday!)
특별한 오늘, 가장 행복했으면 합니다. 멋진 생일 보내세요!
(Wishing you every happiness on your special day. Have a wonderful birthday!)
모든 소원이 이루어지길 바랍니다.
(May all your wishes come true.)

As you start another fantastic year of your life, we wish that all your dreams come true. Have a great birthday and a smashing year ahead. May your day be super bright and super special! Wishing you the happiest of birthdays. 

Don't forget to put #HappyJungShinDay25 when you wish his birthday in any social media...Let's trending!

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