The basics of a healthy breakfast.

Healthy breakfast is something you search but you won't eat..Sometimes, the healthy breakfast got flat taste or maybe are bit much pricy than the regular "Nasi Lemak" or "Roti Canai" on it's own...

The basics of a healthy breakfast whole grains (whole-grain breads,whole-grain cereals), low-fat dairy (milk, plain yogurts) lean protein (peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs), some fruits and vegetables.

Together, these provide some carbohydrates, fiber, protein and a small amount of fat, a combination that packs health benefits and helps you feel full and energetic for hours.
Make it interesting, make it more addictive and you'll find it much more better than the regular breakfast menu...Breakfast gives you a chance to start each day with a healthy and nutritious meal, so find one!

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  1. tu pun dah sodap...janji perut beralas la kan...

  2. Eh!!! Hahahahaaha eh ha'a lah kak sallly that is not fries and eggs!!! Uiissh. My brain is not ok with thiis hihi

    True. Sometimes it is pricey hehe. Thanks kak sally!!!! Apple, yogurt and peach wah

  3. apple jadi kentang tu terima lagi.. putih telur yogurt... kuning telur peach.. awwwww.. kreatif sungguh!

  4. ingatkan fries! baru nak negatif komen. huhuhuhuh kreatif

  5. alaaaaa sally ni.. kite dah la tak makan lahi.. sedapnyer tgk fries tu.. nyum nyumm! p/s: kite minum air kosong healthy tak? hehehehe

    1. Tu bukan fries la sayang...mesti x baca meh.. ;)

  6. Hahahahaha baca banyak kali tahu tak pasal gambar tu. Mati mati ingatkan telur and fries. T_T

  7. hahahaha. tipah tertipu. epal rupanyaa.ingatkan fries. :P

  8. hahahaha my brain is not okay with this..
    epic caption ever :D

  9. Pehh..kreatif gila..mmg btul2 sihat ni.. Hahaha..terbaiklah idea tu... Skli tgk mcm fries jee..

  10. Creative...yogurt,peach dan apple...memang betul betul makan healthy ni Sally...

  11. saya takda lah makan healthy breakfast, selalu makan 2 keping roti + milo, kdg2 heavy breakfast tau..hehe ^^

  12. wow.. ni breakfirst yang special.. tapi TB tak kenyang makan ni.. TB kalau boleh nak sarapan nasi goreng sekuali baru kenyang.. hehe.. betul.. tak tipu.. TB memang kuat makan.. wlupun sarapan.. mesti nak berat2 gak. huhuu

  13. Tengok gambar memang ingat telur dan kentang, nasib baca dulu. Hihi.

  14. Tak kenyang la pula ,dapat roti canai sedap ni pastu minum teh O. Sedapnya

  15. rajinnye sally masak kan..sedap tu


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