Seperti yang kita semua tahu..hari Jumaat merupakan penghulu segala hari...Jom kita tgk perkongsian amalan-amalan sunat yang digalakkan kita buat pada hari Jumaat. In shaa Allah :)
↪ Mandi
↪ Potong kuku
↪ Miswak (Bersugi)
"Make a regular practice of Miswak for verily it is the purification for the mouth and a means of the pleasure of the Lord."
↪ Banyakkan berselawat
↪ Memakai wangi-wangian
↪ Membaca surah Al-Kahfi
↪ Berpakaian cantik dan bersih
↪ Memperbanyakkan berdoa dan berselawat
Insyallah begitulah hendaknya
ReplyDeleteinsyallah..sama-sama kita amalkan ye sally
ReplyDeletesenang je nak dapat pahala di hari jumaat,
ReplyDeletetambh2 di bulan puasa,
syukur :)
Salam Jumaat Sally..
ReplyDeletein shaa ALlah sama sama.amalkan
ReplyDeleteIn Shaa Allah, terima kasih atas perkongsian ^_^
ReplyDeleteInsyaAllah Sama2 amalkan ..
ReplyDeleteNice sharing...
ReplyDeleteJom amalkan!!!
ReplyDeleteTq kak Sally!!!!!
bagus diingatkan selalu sbb husna pon kdg2 tlupa..hehehhe..
ReplyDeleteHi there! Thanks for stopping by and comment. Please be polite and hopefully, all the information is useful to you and don't forget to come again! Much love!