[Update] 2014 CNBLUE Live Can't Stop in Singapore.

Akhirnya details yang ditunggu-tunggu dah pun dikeluarkan...actually ni agak lewat sebenarnya...macam masa konsert kat Malaysia tahun lepas, konsert bulan August tapi details dikeluarkan seawal bulan May...tapi sayangnya tahun ni takde Malaysia dalam route...so, say hello to Singapore!

싱가포르 공연 티켓팅 안내
공연일자: 2014년 5월10일 (토) 오후 7시
공연장: 싱가폴 인도어 스타디움
티켓가격: S$248, $198, $168, $138, $108 (예약 수수료 불포함)

티켓판매는 2014년 4월 5일, 오전 10시부터 시작됩니다.
온라인 티켓구매: www.sportshubtix.sg
전화예매: +65 6335 5000
현장구매: 싱가폴 인도어 스타디움
아웃렛: 모든 SingPost 아웃렛

단 하루뿐인 CNBLUE 의 공연을 절대 놓치지 마세요.

Hehehe...sorry! korang tak faham kan..? hahaha....sebab sally pun tak faham sebenarnya..lalalala...meh la kita baca yang translation ye sayang-sayang semua...

We are pleased to announce the ticketing details for
[2014 CNBLUE LIVE – Can’t Stop in SINGAPORE].

Date & Time: 10 May 2014 (Saturday) 7PM
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Ticket Price: S$248, $198, $168, $138, $108 (excludes booking fee)

Tickets on sale 5 April 2014 (Saturday), 10AM.
Online Booking: www.sportshubtix.sg
Phone Booking: Call +65 6333 5000
Box Office: Located at Singapore Indoor Stadium
Outlets: All SingPost outlets located islandwide

Don’t miss the chance to catch CNBLUE LIVE for a one night only performance!

Kepada yang nak join, sila la beli tiket..sebelum tu mohon convert duit SGD tu kepada RM ye supaya tak terperanjat sangat..hahaha...ke nak sally tolong convert kan..? $1 - RM 2.60

  • $248 - RM 645
  • $198 - RM 515
  • $168 - RM 437
  • $138 - RM 360
  • $108 - RM 280

Kepada korang yang membaca entry ni...jangan berani tanya sally pergi ke tak...kang ada yang banjir Singapore tu sally buat kang..haaa....takde cara lain korang nak pujuk sally melainkan tolong hadiahkan sally tiket tu...huwaaaaa~

okay, stress..nak g usha tiket ke 2014 CNBLUE Live Can't Stop in Bangkok pulak.

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  1. mak oooooiiiiiiii harga tiket. ku pengsan +_+ hehehehee

  2. Replies
    1. ya Lya..jgn buat muka terperanjat gitu..hahaha

  3. demi cn blue sally kena sanggup berkorban

  4. amboi amboi dalam $$$$ lah uishh uishhh tertelan air liur ni uishhh hihihiihi

    1. kalau dia dalam RM...akak dah beli yg VVIP dah qilah!

  5. Dalam SGD nampak macam murah , sekali convert. Matiklah ! Hahahaha. Y___Y

    1. Pasal tu Sally suruh convert awal-awal.. Hahaha

  6. duit singapore mmg berganda2...hihiih...

  7. Mahalnya tiket.. hee ;D

  8. Mahal nya tiket.. huhu.. sabar ye sally.. mana tau dpt tgk kat bangkok tu nnti.. ada rezeki lbh kan.. mana laa tau tetiba bos spen tiket.. fuhhhh ! Hoho

    1. mmg mahal la kalau dah kat Singapore tu Zara...sedihnyaaa...huwaaaa~ aigooo...mmg tak la bos sally nak bg duit beli tiket :(

  9. boleh tahan harga tiketnya sally..

  10. kalau harga tiket murah mesti dah nak pergi ni. hihi..


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