Yonghwa will release solo album in second half of 2014!

Hello to the fan-girl of Yonghwa and CNBLUE!

ya, I know that's referring to me..hehehe 

On March 25th, FNC Entertainment has announced plans for CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa’s solo album. FNC Entertainment’s Han Sungho updated the “FNC Talk” portion on their homepage and confirmed that they are currently in the middle of preparing Jung Yonghwa’s solo album. He started the message by thanking fans as they wrap up CNBLUE’s promotions for “Can’t Stop.”

According to the agency, they are planning to release the solo album on the second half of this year and is directly aimed at producing a number of material. The agency went on to state they will be using “FNC Talk” as their latest platform to announce official statements and communicate with their fans.

After wrapping up promotions for they latest album “Can’t Stop,” CNBLUE will continue meeting with their fans through their nationwide tour “2014 CNBLUE Live - Can’t Stop.”

Credit: SportsChosun + FNCTalk + koreaboo.com

Even though I'm one of the biggest fan or in simple word I'm kind of obsessing..Well, actually I'm not feeling to good about this..maybe because Yonghwa started as a band with CNBLUE and suddenly FNC Entertainment making an album just for him..Deeply inside, I'm hoping that CNBLUE could stand just the way there are now...as a brothers in a group...without any solo performance or solo album among them...Hopefully they will never end up just like other group, that started with solo and at the end the group is demolished...I want my CNBLUE back, as a group for sure!

Just hoping this would be just a method of marketing strategy, perhaps. 

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  1. Alaaaa nak CNBLUE. Taknaklah Yong Hwa sorang sorang. Y___Y

    1. same here :(
      dorang kata just part of promotion..kita tgk jela camne nanti...

  2. wah dah nak bergerak solo pulak, eh kenapa hari ni tiba2 akak rasa yong hwa ni cute? might be sebab sally dah selalu up kot gambar dia, dah ternampak pulak macam dia cute...muahahahaha....

    1. for meantime la..just utk promo album..hahaha...dia mmg dari dulu cute kak oii..

  3. YEEHAAA!!!!

    tp still suka dia dgn cn blue..

    1. sally tak suka dia sorang even sally minat dia..

  4. memang sedih kn bila group berpecah.... tapi kalao yong hwa nak nyanyi kan, kak harap dia nyanyi lagu yang macam "because i miss you" tu.... suka suara yong hwa bila nyanyi lagu mcm tu :)

    1. choiii kak! mmg takkan la berpisah kalau boleh...sally tak nak dorang jadi macam BigBang...end up dengan solo performance..huhu...mintak2 mmg part of promo album je...hopefully!

  5. Assalamualaikum.. wahh bergerak solo pula.. singgah menabung digi sini ~~~

    1. wasalam... part of promo album je...thank you!

  6. alaaa nak berpecah ke? T_T

    1. no laaa...part of promo album je...hopefully :')

  7. tak sama tanpa CNblue tapi saya still support dia :3

    1. Indeed...sedih rasanya kalau cnblue takde sekali :(

  8. Replies
    1. jangan la tanya soalan yg mencengkam jiwa tu kak...huhu...

  9. Samalah. Saya pun lagi suka kalau artis tu tumpukan perhatian dekat group/band dia. Tak suka sangat kalau diaorang busy dengan solo promotion.

  10. betul. sedih lah kalau ada yg start solo.
    nnt jadi boring tau. at least bila ber band nanti ramai gila peminat kan..
    hm betul lah kak sally, nnt jd mcm bigbang lah. hyuna tu lah ke sape tah.
    semua nak solo T_T jangan gitu donggg

    1. Actually peminat Yonghwa mmg ramai...tapi kalau dia dalam band lagi bermakna la daripada dia sorang-sorang :(


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